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Utilizing our breath, energy exercises and intent, we claim our Sacred Space in our own personal energy fields. Moving easily in our own way, we identify, acknowledge; purify and refresh; we call in our spirits. This is a very energizing way to honor ourselves.


Let the Spirit Move your Body to the Rhythm of your Soul!

This special dance offers a way to move with awareness and Free Up ourselves. In a compassionate environment, blindfolded, you can safely access unconscious as well as conscious material to the surface where it can be exposed to the light of love and acceptance.

Join us on the Magnificent Journey of Self-Discovery

Explore your freedom...Your birthright...

Dance the Dream Awake!

"Trancedancing invites Spirit to return home where all healing must start."

Frank Natale, Trance Dance originator


Chi gong mixed with free flowing movement

Our bodies flow in natural rhythms of circles, spirals, and figure eights. Let's explore these movements in full momentum, combining ancent Chinese chi gong exercises, cultivating nature's energy.

You will experience:

•Proper body alignment for joint ease

•Free flowing stretches to enjoyable music

•Healing techniques to keep in step with the "everyday movement" of our lives.



An exploration into wholeness

An afternoon, a day or a weekend; join us through movement, metaphor, music and more as we traverse with mythic maps, the magnificent journey of self discovery. Making friends with the many faces in archetype story and how they express in our lives, showing us the active and inactive parts of ourselves that are hidden, criticized shoved away or forgotten.

In collaborative community with other kindred spirits, you will come away more refreshed and energized; connected to your authentic self.

"Harmonizing our inner masculine and feminine energies is the way to wholeness"

Margarita (Kuku-Ya) Nogueras Vidal "Cultura de la Tierra" Taino


I have been playing with my "friends" the Medicine Animal Cards as well as other divining decks for over 25 years. They first came to me as a healing modality after I had gone through my own "dark night of the soul" while attending a natural healing school in New Mexico. That life transforming experience connected me deeper into native wisdom. The Great Spirit now entered.

I am honored to bring to the table many years of life experience and have seen the way the message of a card can support you in connecting the dots of your journey. It is in collaborative consultation, confirming the permission you may be looking for to affirm your authentic expression; to be the self you have knowledge of deep down.

"Challenges do not simply vanish. Unless you actively embrace your issues, you cannot reclaim your spirit's energy"

Sams and Carson, Medicine Cards